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Oil & Gas Services

Oil & Gas Services

LDAR Management and Reporting

s2c Mobile helps you track and manage your OGI LDAR requirements and associated leak repairs through the LDAR workflow, s2c Edge app, and Customer Portal. All your data is kept in a centralized and secure database for easy reporting.

Oil & Gas Services

Performance Testing Management

s2c Mobile helps you track and manage your stack emissions testing activities and streamline communication through our Performance Testing workflow and Customer Portal.

Our custom test trending tool can help you track the catalyst life-cycle and avoid unplanned call-outs and failed tests.

Oil & Gas Services

Compliance Schedule

We help you manage any task related to your overall compliance (testing, maintenance, notifications, reporting, recordkeeping, etc.) through the Compliance Schedule workflow. The system generates task lists and notifications to assigned users and creates an audit trail of compliance.

Oil & Gas Services

Engine Compliance Management

 s2c Mobile helps you manage your stationary engines for EPA and state rule compliance. Reduce your compliance costs by quickly understanding your compliance obligations, storing and organizing your compliance records, and tracking your compliance activities.

We get your NSPS JJJJ & IIII, RICE NESHAP ZZZZ, and State answers in seconds instead of hours when it comes to determining rule applicability. We provide the exact citation for Federal and State rules that apply to your engines and manage your compliance activities. You can then manage your required compliance activities through s2c Mobile using the different compliance workflows.

Oil & Gas Services

3rd Party Audits

Our team of experts provides audits for engine fleets and for LDAR. A fleet audit will assess your federal and state applicability and compliance requirements. An LDAR audit will review your Method 21 or OGI records to ensure compliance is being achieved.

Oil & Gas Services


Combine the power of FW Murphy’s M-Link IoT gateway with step2compliance’s expertise in emissions regulations to keep your oil and gas applications in line with state and federal mandates.